Heather Hersee Care Management was founded in 2016. We offer a broad range of services to older adults and their families; comprehensive care management, advocacy, consultation, and planning for adults in their sixties and seventies.
Our commitment is to help older adults and their families make informed decisions about health care, housing and other life choices; to address psychosocial challenges with sensitivity and compassion and; to empower older adults by encouraging them to participate in the decision-making that impacts their lives.
By working together we can develop the best plan possible for your family member.
About Heather
The “Accidental Care Manager”…This was not what I expected to do after getting my MS in Public Health and Health Planning and Policy. My education lead me to research, operations management and later to development and public relations.
I fell into care management. A referral from a skilled nursing facility, an ambulance ride, an introduction to the resident services director at a continuing care retirement community. I did not know that the Aging Life Care Association (ALCA) existed; that others were doing the same type of work.
Working in health care management and development provided the foundation for becoming a care manager. I developed solid working relationships with other sectors of the health care sector, the providers of care, insurers, senior housing, entitlement programs, home health care agencies and local resources.
Committing to the work I love I joined ALCA and attained certification through the National Association of Certified Care Managers. Heather Hersee, MS, CMC is an Advanced Professional Member of the Aging Life Care Association (ALCA). She has been working with older adults and their families for 28 years. She now has second generation clients: the adult children of clients from over 20 years ago.
Heather is accessible to her clients and their family members. When you contract with Heather you will work with her directly.
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How we are different
What makes an Aging Life Care Professional stand apart from the others is the commitment to stay focused on the needs of the client and family. Others may offer services for less, but what you receive cannot help but be influenced by the payment structure.
Senior advisors are paid referral fees to suggest elder care facilities. As a general rule, they have a more limited sphere of knowledge and do not hold a professional degree focused on elder care. Only those facilities willing to pay a finder’s fee will be included in their list of suggestions. There may be a more appropriate option, but it will not be mentioned if the facility does not pay for referrals.
Because we are paid directly by you, we are independent and objective. Our focus is 100% on the needs of your family and your aging loved ones. We apply our considerable skill and years of training to your unique situation.
Hospital- or insurance-based case managers are employees of the health care system. They are good professionals. Their focus, however, is to address the issues of patients within the institution and to make efficient use of services for their organization.
We are based in the community and work with aging adults wherever they live. We provide continuity of care across all settings. We include the family and focus on improving quality of life for the older adult and their grown children.
When the issue is safety and quality of life, you deserve the best!
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Professional Memberships and other Affiliations
Professional Memberships
Aging Life Care Managers pride ourselves in our commitment to stay abreast of the ever-changing landscape of senior services and aging research. I am a member of the professional organizations listed below:
Other Affiliations
- Network Group USA- Metro West Chapter
- Women’s Business Group-Board Member
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